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Would you like further free information in brochure, PDF or video format? The following is a list of ECC Belgium and ECC network publications.

Use the search function in publications to find the specific topic you require.

07/07/2022 ECC-Net Report: Commercial Warranties-Are they worth the money

As a consumer you are entitled to a two-year legal guarantee for which the responsibility rests with the seller. But sometimes a trader may offer an extra commercial warranty against payment. Are these commercial warranties worth the money? ECC-Net examined these commercial warranties down to the last detail.

Remember: new guarantee rules have been in force in Belgium since 1 June 2022.

10/12/2020 ECC-Net 15 years Anniversary Report

Everything you need to know about our pan-European network, activities and achievements over the last 15 years.

10/12/2020 Have your consumer rights have been breached? Let's get it solved!

What to do if you buy a product or service from another EU country but have a problem with the company? The network of European Consumer Centres is here to help. Find out how in this video.

Do you have a question or want to submit a complaint to us? Please use our contact form.

09/12/2020 ECC-Net Report: Cross-border car purchases

Purchasing a car, whether it is new or second-hand, can be one of the biggest, and sometimes stressful, financial decisions consumers make. EU consumers often look to other Member States to find a particular model, for better value for money, or simply for more choice, however it can be a complicated journey. In an effort to provide a comprehensive set of answers, in 2015 29 ECCs, coordinated by ECC France, carried out an extensive study into the hurdles faced by consumers when buying a car across borders.

09/12/2020 ECC-Net Report: cross-border car purchases - Recommendations

Purchasing a car, whether it is new or second-hand, can be one of the biggest, and sometimes stressful, financial decisions consumers make. EU consumers often look to other Member States to find a particular model, for better value for money, or simply for more choice, however it can be a complicated journey. The ECC-Net formulates recommendations.

09/12/2020 ECC-Net Report: ECC-Net Air Passenger Report 2015. Do consumers get the compensation they are entitled to and at what costs?

It is still difficult for travelers to receive compensation in case of delayed and cancelled flights. This report from the ECC-Net examines the main problems currently faced by air travelers and their sources.

09/12/2020 ECC-Net Report: Online cross-border mystery shopping - state of the e-union

Have you been tempted by a cheaper online offer from another EU country but wondering how reliable it is to shop from abroad? ECC-Net mystery shoppers have checked just that. The report (State of the e-Union) shows the results of actual purchases in 28 countries.

09/12/2020 ECC-Net Report: Online Holiday Booking - Is the initial price the final price?

The ECC-Net researched in 2016 the difference between the initial and final price when booking holidays online. In a majority of such cases price increase is linked to management fees, credit card fees and fees for check-in. Very few consumers complain if the final price not correspond to the indicated price. ECC-Net bundled the results in a report, a summary and a checklist for consumers.

09/12/2020 ECC-Net Report 2019: For a Europe which protects its consumers in their daily lives

The network of European Consumer Centers mediates daily between consumers and traders searching for an amicable solution to their cross-border consumer disputes/or conflicts. Based on its experience, ECC-Net presents a policy paper to the European Commission and the European Parliament with the aim to build together a Europe which protects consumers in their daily lives.

09/12/2020 ECC-Net Infographic: 10 Years serving Europe's consumers

What do ECCs do? How do they deal with complaints and what are these complaints about? This infographic summarizes what ECC-Net can mean to you.