
Would you like further free information in brochure, PDF or video format? The following is a list of ECC Belgium and ECC network publications.

Use the search function in publications to find the specific topic you require.

09/12/2020 ECC-Net Report: Trust marks report 2013 - Can I trust a trust mark?

Trust marks on website increases consumer confidence when shopping online. To date, a wide variety of online trust marks related to ecommerce exist but are unknown by consumers. The ECC-Net collected all 54 European trust marks and lists useful tips for online consumers.

09/12/2020 The 5 commandments for safer internet use

Buying, downloading and networking on the internet: keep it safe thanks to the 5 commandments for safer internet use.

09/12/2020 Safer streaming

The convenience of viewing your favorite program at your own leisure on any device makes video streaming services the new standard for modern consumers.

09/12/2020 Is it safe to buy counterfeit goods?

This online brochure explains why it is not a good idea to buy counterfeit and how you can avoid buying fake products on the Internet.

09/12/2020 Subscription traps in 6 EU countries 2017 - Summary

In Europe, 3.5 million consumers are estimated to have been affected by subscription traps over the past three years. These slides summarize the results of a study commissioned by ECC Sweden and the Swedish Consumer Agency.

09/12/2020 A consumer problem? What now?

Experienced problems with goods or services purchases (online), problems with your car rental abroad, problems with flights, accommodation or holidays? Let's get it solved!

09/12/2020 ECC-Net Report: Cross-border car purchases - Summary

Purchasing a car, whether it is new or second-hand, can be one of the biggest, and sometimes stressful, financial decisions consumers make. EU consumers often look to other Member States to find a particular model, for better value for money, or simply for more choice, however it can be a complicated journey. ECC-Net summarized its extensive study with practical advice.

09/12/2020 Paying by Internet

Buying and selling on the internet are increasing rapidly. The payment possibilities are also becoming more and more numerous. Here is an overview of the most commonly used payment methods.

09/12/2020 10 ECC-Net tips on how you can avoid buying fake products on the Internet

The ECC-Net wants to show why the purchase of counterfeit goods is a bad idea. These 10 tips at a glance help to identify trustworthy webshops from others.

12/09/2020 15 years of the ECC-Net, 15 years of consumer protection

Discover everything you need to know about the ECC-Net, our activities and achievements over the last 15 years in this video! Looking for more information about our Network? Check out our anniversary website as well.